Simple Machines Vocab

  1. 3. An educated guess
  2. 4. force The force slowing a process down.
  3. 8. strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement
  4. 11. a variable variation does not depend on that of another.
  5. 13. a machine making work easier
  6. 14. A concept not completely proven.
  7. 15. force The amount of force used.
  1. 1. center horizontal line on a graph.
  2. 2. the ratio of the force produced by a machine to the force applied to it, used in assessing the performance of a machine
  3. 5. a machine that consists of more than one simple machine.
  4. 6. Effort times distance
  5. 7. a variable variation which depends on that of another.
  6. 9. center vertical line on a graph
  7. 10. A completely proven concept.
  8. 12. The part where the object centers on