Simple Machines

  1. 1. something that helps to move objects up.
  2. 4. Garlic crusher is a_______Machine.
  3. 6. A machine is anything that helps you to do things more____.
  4. 7. lifting pulley up is easier but gives you a force________.
  5. 8. Another word strength.
  6. 13. something that makes gears move fast.
  7. 14. A pulley is a wheel that is______ so that a rope can fit around.
  1. 2. A system that helps to pull objects of the ground or just up.
  2. 3. Low gears has a____advantage but has speed/distance disadvantage.
  3. 5. Pulley machines can change the________ or force.
  4. 9. The propellor turns or moves_____.
  5. 10. Every machine has a_______on the middle of a machine.
  6. 11. If a large wheel is attached to a motor, the large wheel is called the ______ gear.
  7. 12. Something that you are trying to lift upwards.