Simple machines

  1. 2. , a solid circular item that rotates front and back. In some cases it can be controlled by the steering _ _ _ _ _.
  2. 3. multipliers , a device that increases the speed of a object.
  3. 5. , a wheel that consist of a grooved rim in which a pulled rope or chain can change direction of the pull therefor is able to lift a load.
  4. 7. multipliers , tools that help you increase your effort but can produce more output.
  5. 10. advantage , the advantage gained by the use of a machine
  6. 12. , try
  7. 13. , a object that consists of many particles and can be madero used for different purposes.
  1. 1. , l_ _ _ r
  2. 3. machine , a object that consists of many particles and used to make our daily lives easier.
  3. 4. , a item that is placed in the middle of a load and a effort. It can be placed anywhere eg a elbow and the load is something held in the hand.
  4. 6. , a bundle of items placed on a ginger object for a purpose eg transportation.
  5. 8. plane , a plane set to a horizontal angle used to lower or raise a load by rolling or sliding
  6. 9. , a shaft used to rotate a gear or wheel.
  7. 11. , a circular object surrounded by teeth it comes in different size and shapes.