Simple Machines

  1. 2. The rate at which work is done.
  2. 7. A device that does some kind of work.
  3. 9. The ability to move large loads with little effort.
  4. 10. The study of fluids at rest and in motion.
  5. 11. A rotating wheel with teeth around it's rim.
  6. 12. A special kind of lever.
  7. 13. Measurement of effort needed to change one energy into another.
  1. 1. An inclined plane in a cylinder.
  2. 3. A turning force.
  3. 4. The study of the characteristics of gases.
  4. 5. A simple machine in the form of a ramp.
  5. 6. A device that changes one type of effort into another.
  6. 8. A simple machine that is two inclined planes back to back.