Sinai Amit Book page 95 new words

  1. 3. I try to always do my homework, but ___ to forget.
  2. 6. I was very stressed lately, i need to ____.
  3. 8. my mom didn’t __ me to go to the concert with my friend.
  4. 9. back my dog ran away, I really hope he will ___ ____.
  5. 11. we both __ that it was the right thing to do.
  6. 13. I need more time to __ to the new school.
  7. 14. away my mum wants to ___ ____ my phone as a punishment.
  8. 15. I’m hungry so I’m looking for a restaurant _____.
  9. 16. do with my friend got me a gift but I have nothing ___ ___ ____ it.
  10. 17. away I don’t want to see you right now, please ___ ____.
  11. 19. every year my family goes to a vacation near the ___, we go to swim all day long.
  12. 20. I thought the test will be really hard but ____ it wasn’t.
  1. 1. my favourite singer ____ a new song in one week.
  2. 2. I’m not going to live in this house for a very long time, it’s just ___.
  3. 4. my house is very small and crowded, in need a bigger house with more ___.
  4. 5. I’m sitting ___ my friend in the class.
  5. 7. the service in the restaurant was very bad so I ____ to see the manager!
  6. 10. I want to ___ my best friend to one another.
  7. 11. someone _____ me today and I got hurt really badly.
  8. 12. to after high school,I ___ __ go to the tel aviv university.
  9. 15. my class is very ____ I can’t concentrate.
  10. 18. back the government needs to ___ ____ all the hostages home.