Singapore before, during and after Japanese Occupation

  1. 3. ______ 136 was one of the anti-Japanese movement in Singapore during the Japanese Occupation
  2. 4. A ________ base was built in Singapore by the British in 1938 to protect its territories in the region
  3. 5. The Chinese leader who wanted to overthrow the Chinese government before World War 2
  4. 7. British _______ Administration was set up when the British returned in 1945 to Singapore
  5. 9. Mahatma _______ is the leader in India who fought for independence from the British
  6. 10. Many workers joined trade ______ to ask for better wages and working conditions when the British controlled Singapore after Japanese Occupation
  1. 1. "_________ Fortress" is the term to represent Singapore by the British before World War 2
  2. 2. The state in Malaya where the Japanese first landed in 1941
  3. 6. "Dispelling the Myth of the White Man's _______" was the term used by the Japanese during the Japanese Occupation
  4. 8. One of the beaches where the victims of the Sook Ching Massacre were murdered