Sip and Solve
- 3. Aint nobody fresher than my ______
- 4. Country Thagsi was Born
- 6. What is Thagsi's DJ name?
- 7. Thagsi's Zodiac Sign
- 9. Ari Gold
- 12. Ultimate
- 13. Kokuvil
- 14. Mano's rank in the military
- 16. Nation
- 1. Where did Mano spend most of his summers?
- 2. Thagsi's Favorite Color
- 5. Where Thagsi's sister lives
- 6. Name of building Mano grew up in
- 8. First Date
- 10. Instrument Mano played growing up
- 11. Couples favorite activity to do
- 15. Activity on the second date