Sip and Solve

  1. 3. What street did the bride grow up on?
  2. 4. How old is the bride?
  3. 7. Where did the groom go to college?
  4. 10. What was the bride's first car?
  5. 13. What month did the couple get engaged?
  6. 14. What’s the groom's favorite Christmas food?
  7. 16. How many aunts and uncles do the could have combined?
  8. 17. What is the couple's favorite color?
  9. 18. What town did the couple meet in?
  10. 21. Where was the bride's first job?
  11. 25. What is the groom's family's nickname for the bride?
  12. 26. What was the first country the couple traveled to?
  13. 27. What was the groom's first job?
  14. 29. What is the couple's favorite baseball team?
  15. 32. What month did the couple meet?
  16. 37. Where did the bride go to high school?
  17. 39. What is the bride's birth month?
  18. 40. What instrument did the groom play in high school?
  19. 41. How many siblings does the groom have?
  20. 44. Who is older, the bride or groom?
  21. 45. What’s the bride's favorite Christmas food?
  22. 46. What is the bride's middle name
  1. 1. Where did the couple go on their first flight together?
  2. 2. What street did the groom grow up on?
  3. 5. Where was the couple's first date?
  4. 6. What instrument did the bride play in high school?
  5. 8. What countries will the couple visit with the bride's family in July?
  6. 9. What street does the couple live on?
  7. 11. What is the couple's house number?
  8. 12. What was the groom's first car?
  9. 13. Who was the couple's matchmaker?
  10. 15. What is the total number of cousins the couple has combined?
  11. 19. How many times has the couple been to Disney?
  12. 20. What country did the couple just get back from?
  13. 22. Who said “I love you” first, the bride or groom?
  14. 23. What is the bride's brother's nickname for the groom?
  15. 24. What is the groom's middle name?
  16. 28. What is the bride's occupation?
  17. 30. Where did the groom go to high school?
  18. 31. What Sherwin-WIlliam’s color did the couple paint their house?
  19. 33. How old is the groom?
  20. 34. What is the groom's occupation?
  21. 35. How many siblings does the bride have?
  22. 36. What town was the groom born in?
  23. 38. What is the groom’s birth month?
  24. 42. Where did the bride go to college?
  25. 43. What town was the bride born in?