Sip and Solve

  1. 3. Month Briana & Daniel started dating
  2. 5. Engagement month
  3. 7. Briana's middle name
  4. 8. Briana's favorite cocktail
  5. 12. Age gap between Briana & Daniel
  6. 13. Name of Briana's dog
  7. 14. Briana & Daniel's favorite baseball team
  8. 18. High school Briana & Daniel attended
  9. 20. Instrument Daniel plays
  10. 21. Subject Briana teaches
  1. 1. Name of Briana & Daniel's cat
  2. 2. Who has a twin?
  3. 4. Daniel's dream pet
  4. 6. Briana's biggest fear
  5. 7. Briana's guilty pleasure movie franchise
  6. 9. Branch of Service Daniel served in
  7. 10. Number of colleges attended by Daniel
  8. 11. Dream honeymoon location
  9. 15. Daniel's favorite food
  10. 16. Daniel always tries to get people to take one of these
  11. 17. Daniel's favorite season
  12. 18. Briana's favorite food
  13. 19. Groom's middle name