Sip and Solve on Greg and Lois' wedding

  1. 4. Who told Lois about Greg's feelings
  2. 5. Greg's favourite film
  3. 9. Greg's first car
  4. 11. Lois' favourite drink
  5. 13. Lois' first car
  6. 15. Our favourite food
  7. 16. Our first pet
  8. 17. Greg's dream holiday
  9. 19. Our high school
  10. 20. Greg's middle name
  11. 21. The month we met
  12. 22. Lois' middle name
  1. 1. Engagement stone
  2. 2. Where Greg proposed
  3. 3. Our song
  4. 6. Margo's middle name
  5. 7. Favourite sport
  6. 8. Our street name
  7. 10. Greg's favourite drink
  8. 12. How many years have we known each other
  9. 13. Month Reggie was born
  10. 14. Where we were born
  11. 18. Lois' dream holiday