Sip & Solve

  1. 2. Combined number of siblings the couple have.
  2. 3. Sharon's daughter.
  3. 4. Sharon's favourite aperitif.
  4. 8. The name of the school Sharon works in.
  5. 10. Brian's job title.
  6. 14. The first band the couple went to see together.
  7. 17. Mr & Mrs
  8. 18. Brian's Primary School.
  9. 19. Number of children each
  10. 21. Brian's favourite aperitif.
  11. 22. The month Brian proposed to Sharon.
  12. 26. Brian's birthday month.
  13. 27. Who said I love you first?
  14. 30. Sharon's mum.
  15. 31. Brian's son.
  16. 32. Club Brian first chatted Sharon up in back in 1996.
  17. 34. Sharon's Secondary School.
  18. 38. Where Sharon got her degree.
  19. 40. Something Brian is very good at.
  20. 41. Instrument Sharon played when she was younger.
  21. 45. Sharon's job title.
  22. 46. Sharon's son.
  23. 47. International Youth Organisation Sharon was part of.
  24. 48. Worldwide Youth Movement Brian was part of.
  25. 49. Couples favourite football team
  26. 50. Sharon's favourite musical.
  1. 1. Brian's favourite musical.
  2. 5. Sharon's Primary School.
  3. 6. Brian's dad.
  4. 7. Sharon's maiden name.
  5. 9. The area of Glasgow Brian first lived.
  6. 11. Combined number of nieces and nephews.
  7. 12. The place where the couple got engaged.
  8. 13. Sharon's birthday month.
  9. 15. Who Brian works for.
  10. 16. The area of Glasgow Sharon first lived.
  11. 20. Brian's middle name.
  12. 23. Brian's Secondary School.
  13. 24. Instrument Brian played when he was younger.
  14. 25. Brian's daughter.
  15. 28. Name of street the couples live on.
  16. 29. The country the couple enjoy visiting the most.
  17. 33. Variety Show Sharon and Brian performed in.
  18. 35. The couples combined age
  19. 36. The number of years have the couple been engaged.
  20. 37. Number of people in new combined family
  21. 39. Sharon's Zodiac sign.
  22. 42. Brian's mum.
  23. 43. Sharon's dad.
  24. 44. Brian's Zodiac sign.