  1. 2. Leadership style ..... is high on direction and
  2. 3. Competence depends on the employee's ..........
  3. 4. The capable, but cautious .........
  4. 7. The self-reliant .........
  5. 8. Directing is leadership style .....
  6. 10. ........ for performance
  7. 14. Leadership style one
  8. 15. Leadership style four
  9. 17. The ......... beginner
  10. 19. Second skill of a situational leader
  11. 20. The leader's choice of style is ........
  12. 21. Key element of commitment
  13. 22. Key element of commitment
  1. 1. Key element of development level
  2. 2. Leadership style ..... is high on support but low in direction
  3. 3. Leadership style three
  4. 5. First skill of a situational leader
  5. 6. Encouragement is a ...... leader behavior
  6. 9. Key word for supportive behavior
  7. 10. Leadership is a ........ between leader and employee
  8. 11. ......... is an influence proces
  9. 12. Leader behavior used with others to accomplish goals
  10. 13. Delegating is leadership style .......
  11. 16. The ......... learner
  12. 18. Key word for directive behavior
  13. 22. Leadership style two
  14. 23. Key word for supportive behavior
  15. 24. Leader and ...... are partners