Skeletal Gross/Microscopic Anatomy

  1. 3. What cell synthesizes the extracellular matrix of the bone tissue?
  2. 6. How many bones does an adult have?
  3. 7. Between what structure can the lacunae be found?
  4. 8. How are the lamellae arranged?
  5. 10. What makes a spongy bone lighter?
  6. 11. What is the release of enzymes that digest mineral components of the bone matrix?
  7. 12. What other terminology use to call the haversian system?
  8. 14. Where are triglycerides stored?
  9. 15. What is the anatomical term for red blood cell formation?
  10. 18. Responsible for creating of red blood cells
  11. 19. Cells that undergo cell division to be bone-building cells.
  1. 1. The upper, lower limbs and pelvic gridle belongs to the ____ skeletal group.
  2. 2. _____ regulates calcium levels.
  3. 3. What cells builds the bone?
  4. 4. The skeletal system can be divided into how many skeletal groups?
  5. 5. The skull, vertebral column, throacic cage, and hyoid bone belongs to the ____ skeletal group.
  6. 9. What cell exchanges nutrients/wastes with blood?
  7. 13. The canaliculi is found ______ the lacunae.
  8. 16. What type of bone lacks an haversian system?
  9. 17. ____ bone is the strongest form of bone.