skeletal issues

  1. 3. of Bones/skeleton protection, rib cage,skull,vertebra
  2. 4. bone e is a hard, solid osseous tissue found in the cortex of all bones
  3. 6. Cartilage Is the most prevalent cartilage of the human body. It also commonly known as the articular cartilage.
  4. 9. is a connective tissue in the skeletal system, its purpose in the skeletal system is tp [ad and protect
  5. 10. A compressible but resilient type of cartilage can act as a shock absorber at points.( its the cartilage in the intervertebral disc). -annulus Fibrosus, The outside
  6. 13. skeleton provides framework for trying to attach
  7. 14. A strong tissue that connects bones
  8. 19. cartilage This is the cartilage found in your respiratory system like the rings of the cartilage in the trachea and bronchi. It is categorized as a Hyaline cartilage.
  1. 1. connective tissue of the skeletal system its purpose is to cushion joints, allow for free movement of a joint, proved structural support.
  2. 2. storage The minerals calcium and Phosphorus are stored within a bony matrix.
  3. 5. Connects muscle to bone, acts as ropes a muscle pulls on Tendons have an increase in elastin and a decrease in collagen
  4. 7. Cartilage type of cartilage provides firm but elastic support, contains loosely packed collagen fibers and a generous amount of elastic fibers.
  5. 8. The skeleton performs joints for specific movements ex(knee joint, shoulder joint)
  6. 11. Skeleton The appendicular skeleton contains all of our limbs and the pelvis.
  7. 12. cartilage This is the cartilage that attaches your ribs tp the sternum. it is categorized as a Hyaline cartilage.
  8. 14. Bones A bone that is longer than it is wide
  9. 15. Skeleton The axial skeleton is the center portion of the skeleton. it is made up of the skull,rib cage, and vertebral column.
  10. 16. cartilage the Nasal cartilage is the cartilage that provides structural support to the nose. It is considered a Hyaline cartilage.(forms a structure of our nose)
  11. 17. blood cells fight infections
  12. 18. blood cell formations(Hematopoiesis) makes red blood cells- also made in the red bone marrow-(provide energy )