Skeletal System

  1. 2. fluid Fluid that allows the joints to move easily (TWO WORDS)
  2. 5. d Your body needs _______ to make string bones. Your body makes this when it is exposed to the sun (TWO WORDS)
  3. 6. Joints that do not move
  4. 8. This is what occurs when two smaller bones are joined together to form one bone
  5. 9. A firm but resilient material in the body and on the ends of bones that absorbs shock well and keeps the bones from getting hurt when they rub against each other
  6. 11. A bulge that occurs in a broken bone while it is healing
  7. 14. Fats that are stored in your bones as well as elsewhere in your body periosteum The outside layer of a bone; a thin, tough membrane
  8. 15. system The boy supportive structure within the human body (TWO WORDS)
  9. 17. This is a disease that results in weak bones with lots of tiny holes in them
  10. 19. The cells that make new bones
  11. 21. The bones of your skull that protect your brain
  12. 22. bone The layer of bone under the compact bone. It is a network of pores and tunnels interconnected in a pattern that makes the bone strong yet resilient (TWO WORDS)
  1. 1. The tough fiber that makes up part of the bone
  2. 3. The bone cells that eat away at the spongy layer, causing your bones to get wider
  3. 4. when a person doesn't get enough of the right kinds of nutrients
  4. 7. A disease that causes weak and misinformed bones. People can get this disease when they do not get enough Vitamin D
  5. 10. This is the kind of bone marrow in which lipids (fats) are stored
  6. 12. A mineral stored in your bones that helps keep your hear beating and your brain thinking. It also makes bones strong
  7. 13. The longest bone in the body-the thigh bone
  8. 16. This is the kind of bone marrows in which blood cells are made
  9. 18. What scientists call it when the body breaks down old bone and rebuilds new bone
  10. 20. The group of bones that make up your head