Skeletal system

  1. 2. drugs that build new bone
  2. 3. rounded bony process
  3. 4. a bone on the medial side of the leg
  4. 8. bones that develop from sheetlike layers of unspecialized connective tissues
  5. 12. the lowest part of the vertebral column of four fused vertebrae
  6. 13. each consists of an ilium, ischium, and pubis
  7. 17. fracture sign of dangerously low bone density
  8. 18. a bowl-shaped structure consisting of the sacrum, coccyx, and pelvic girdle
  9. 21. another term for compact bone
  10. 22. number of bones that compose the fingers and toes
  11. 24. a bone that extends from the hip to the knee
  12. 26. number of ribs
  13. 28. a bone that extends from the scapula to the elbow
  14. 30. the second vertebra
  15. 34. a decrease in bone mineral density (BMD)
  16. 38. a kind of specialized soft connective tissue
  17. 40. what the articular cartilage is made of
  18. 41. skeleton consisting of the skull, hyoid bone, vertebral column, and thoracic cage
  19. 43. cells that break down bone matrix
  20. 45. i.e. the carpal bones
  21. 46. a bone on the thumb side of the forearm between the elbow and the wrist
  1. 1. skeleton consisting of the pectoral girdle, upper limbs, pelvic girdle, and lower limbs
  2. 5. i.e. the costals and scapulae
  3. 6. number of bones in the metacarpus and metatarsus
  4. 7. mature bone cells
  5. 9. the branching bony plates in spongy bone
  6. 10. articulates a joint with another bone
  7. 11. another term for spongy bone
  8. 14. rodlike bones between the sternum and scapulae
  9. 15. cells that form bone tissue
  10. 16. a bone longer than the radius that overlaps the humerus posteriorly
  11. 19. i.e. the vertebrae and many facial bones
  12. 20. i.e. the forearm and femur
  13. 23. bones that develop of hyaline cartilage that is later replaced by bone tissue
  14. 24. a bone on the lateral side of the tibia
  15. 25. number of bones in the tarsus
  16. 27. number of carpal bones that form a carpus
  17. 29. the shaft of the bone
  18. 31. dense connective tissue that covers the bone
  19. 32. cavity a structure filled with marrow
  20. 33. bony projections where ligaments and tendons attach
  21. 35. a bone consisting of a manubrium, body, and xiphoid process
  22. 36. the first vertebra
  23. 37. next stage of osteopenia
  24. 39. bones that encloses and protects the brain
  25. 42. broad, triangular bones
  26. 44. a triangular structure of five fused vertebrae