Skeletal system

  1. 4. rotating the radius over the ulna so the palms face posteriorly
  2. 5. ligament located inside a joint cavity
  3. 6. opposite of flexion
  4. 9. region of a bone that contains the medullary cavity
  5. 10. term for an immoveable joint (singular)
  6. 12. joint that moves in one direction
  7. 15. major mineral stored in bone
  8. 17. lamellae that are remnants of old Haversian systems
  9. 18. cell surrounded by bone matrix
  10. 19. moving away from the midline
  11. 21. term for a freely moveable joint
  1. 1. bone tissue that contains Haversian systems
  2. 2. type of ossification in long bones
  3. 3. triaxial joint at the proximal femur and pelvis
  4. 7. end of a long bone
  5. 8. networks of bone in spongy bone tissue
  6. 11. type of cartilage at the articulation of a moveable joint
  7. 13. cell that resorbs or dissolves bone
  8. 14. membrane on the outside of bone
  9. 16. cartilagenous cushion within a joint
  10. 20. type of bone tissue in the ends of long bones