Skeletal System

  1. 1. Decrease in bone density
  2. 3. Fracture where the break is straight across the bone
  3. 4. Opening or groove that allow blood vessels and nerves to pass through
  4. 5. Several small breaks that result in many small pieces between two larger segments
  5. 7. Osteocytes are within chambers called __________
  6. 11. Maintain mineral concentration
  7. 12. Can stabilize and strengthen bone
  8. 13. Structure that connects osteocytes
  9. 15. Abnormally low level of calcium
  10. 17. Canal that is found in the center of the rings
  11. 19. Process of growth development
  12. 20. A partial fracture - only one side of the bone is broken
  1. 2. Process when bone is resorbed on one surface and deposited on another
  2. 4. Abnormally high level of calcium
  3. 6. Cannot be absorbed without vitamin D
  4. 8. Complex Shape
  5. 9. Synthesize and secrete collagen and calcium salts
  6. 10. Bone breakdown/resorption
  7. 14. Osteocytes form rings called __________
  8. 16. Cylinder-like shape
  9. 18. Where two bones meet a.k.a. joint