Skeletal System

  1. 4. Function of the skeletal system
  2. 6. Functions of the skeletal system
  3. 7. Fhe arm is formed by a single bone
  4. 12. Shoulder blade
  5. 15. Toes
  6. 17. Dense and appears homogenous
  7. 18. Only bone of the skull not connected by sutures
  8. 20. Ankle
  9. 21. Butterfly shaped; forms part of the floor of the cranial cavity
  10. 23. Cheek bones
  11. 27. Made of small needle-like pieces and open space. Greater surface area than compact bone.
  12. 28. Bone forming cells
  13. 30. Covers the epiphyses and reduces friction at the joints
  14. 31. Small boy with dens, allow rotation of the head
  15. 32. Collarbone
  1. 1. Outside covering of the diaphysis
  2. 2. Functions of the skeletal system
  3. 3. Thigh bone
  4. 5. Mature bone cells
  5. 8. Lies anterior to the sphenoid; forms roof of nasal cavity
  6. 9. Ends of the bone; mostly of spongy bone
  7. 10. Functions of the skeletal system
  8. 11. “Keystone” bones; form upper jaw
  9. 13. Palm (5long bones)
  10. 14. Contains yellow marrow (mostly fat) in adults. Contains red marrow (for blood cell formation) in infants
  11. 15. Fingers
  12. 16. No body, articulates with occipital condyles.
  13. 19. Form the longitudinal axis of the body
  14. 22. Bridge of the nose
  15. 24. Bone-destroying cells. Break down bone matrix for remodeling and release of calcium
  16. 25. Sole
  17. 26. Wrist(8short bones)
  18. 29. Shaft of bone; composed of compact bone
  19. 33. Limbs and girdles