skeletal system

  1. 3. parallel bones supporting humerus
  2. 6. fracture: broken bone ends are forced into one another
  3. 9. bone shape: small round nodules that develop in a tendon; ex: patella
  4. 11. skeleton: bones of limbs and girdles
  5. 13. causes pain and inflammation when too much uric acid crystalizes and deposits into joints
  6. 15. forms most of nasal septum
  7. 16. joint: egg shaped articular surface fitting into an oval concavity of another; moves side to side & back and forth, biaxial; knuckles
  8. 17. joint: essentially flat, articular surfaces, short slipping/gliding movements allowed(nonaxial); intercarpal joints
  9. 20. bone thinning disease affecting women after the age of 65 and men over 70
  10. 23. short bands of tough, flexible tissue made up of lots of individual fibres connecting the bones of the body together
  11. 24. cavities in which chondrocytes and osteocytes reside
  12. 25. problems w fractures at epiphyseal plate
  13. 26. bone broken into tiny pieces
  14. 29. giant bone destroying cells
  15. 31. mucus lined air filled sacs
  16. 33. joint: rounded @ end of 1 bone, fits into a sleeve or ring of bone & possibly ligaments, unaxial rotating bone; only turn around its long axis
  17. 34. bone shape: mostly spongy bone, allows for better movement, generally cube shaped; bones of wrist and ankle
  18. 36. where does erythrocyte hemotopoeisis occur
  19. 37. stretching/tearing of ligaments
  20. 39. joint: articulating bone ends are seperated by a joint cavity containing synovial fluid
  21. 41. another name for cartilage
  1. 1. skeleton: bones forming longitudinally of body's axis
  2. 2. inflammatory disorder affecting the joints
  3. 4. problems w compound fractures
  4. 5. joint: spherical head of one bone fits into rounded socket of another; multiaxial; shoulder & hip
  5. 7. bone shape: provides greater surface area for muscles to attach, thin, flattened, usually curved; 2 layers of compact bone w layer of spongy bone in btwn; sternum
  6. 8. joint: each articular surface has both concave & convex areas, like a horse saddle; biaxial; thumbs
  7. 10. process of creating bone, transferring cartilage/ fibrous tissue into bone
  8. 12. bone breaks incompletely; like a twig
  9. 14. joint: unites bones by fibrous tissue; sutures of the skull (no movement)
  10. 16. broken bone is crushed
  11. 18. each hand and feet has __ phalanges
  12. 19. inflammation of fluid filled sacs in joints
  13. 21. caused when bones fail to calcify; lack of calcium or vit. D
  14. 22. bone shape: curved to provide strength,mostly compact bone, have shaft w heads @ both ends; arms, legs
  15. 27. unpaired part of skull
  16. 28. broken bone is pressed inward
  17. 29. occurs when flexible tissue wears down at ends of bones
  18. 30. has passageway for tears
  19. 31. ragged break caused from excessive twisting forces applied to bone
  20. 32. bone forming cells
  21. 35. joint: bone ends are connected together by cartilage, slightly moveable (amphiarthrotic) joints; pubic symphysis
  22. 38. bone shape: varies in shape & size; vertebrae
  23. 40. joint: cylindrical end of bone fits into trough shaped surface on another bone; angular movement allowed in 1 place; unaxial=1 axis; elbow joint