Skeletal System

  1. 3. extends from the scapula to the elbow
  2. 4. the portion of the skeleton that consists of the skull, hyoid bone, vertebral column, and thoracic cage
  3. 5. cartilage,
  4. 11. form bone tissue within the membranous layers
  5. 12. forms the lowest part of the vertebral canal
  6. 14. extends from the hip to the knee
  7. 15. occurs in the yolk sack, liver and spleen, and red bone marrow
  8. 16. joints connected by a layer of cartilage
  9. 18. a cavity in the diaphysis
  10. 19. articulates with the humerus, ulna, and wrists
  11. 20. break down bone matrix
  12. 22. a plate that remains between the primary and secondary ossification centers
  13. 23. articulates with the radius laterally and with a disc of fibrocartilage
  14. 25. located on the medial side of the leg
  15. 26. ends of bones that form joints with adjacent bones
  16. 28. amount of carpal bones in the wrist
  17. 29. consists of a manubrium, bod, and xiphoid processes
  18. 30. fills the medullary cavity
  19. 31. triangular structure formed of five fused vertebrae
  20. 32. bones that develop as hyaline cartilage that is later replaced by bone tissue
  1. 1. round
  2. 2. joints tightly joined by a layer of dense connective tissue
  3. 4. the portion of the skeleton that includes the pectoral girdle and upper limbs
  4. 6. twelve pairs attached to twelve thoracic vertebrae.
  5. 7. broad, triangular bones that articulate with the humerus of each upper limb
  6. 8. second vertebra
  7. 9. bone with continuous extracellular matrix
  8. 10. mature bone cells
  9. 12. rodlike bones located between the sternum and scapulae
  10. 13. located on the later side of the tibia
  11. 17. bone with irregular interconnecting spaces between bony plates
  12. 21. encloses and protects the brain
  13. 24. first vertebra
  14. 27. a joint covered with hyaline cartilage