Skeletal System

  1. 4. Ribs 8-12 with articulate indirectly to the sternum or not at all
  2. 5. Red blood cell production
  3. 8. Dense bone that looks smooth and homogenous
  4. 9. Broken bone
  5. 15. joint Joint that provides no movement
  6. 18. Soft bones caused by lack of vitamin D, calcium, or phosphorus
  7. 22. Refers to the shoulder region
  8. 23. The last two pair of false ribs which do not articulate to the sternum
  9. 24. End of a long bone; composed mostly of spongy bone
  10. 25. 5 vertebrae in the lower back; largest vertebrae
  11. 26. Cavities in which bone cells can be found within the bone matrix
  12. 28. Spaces between bones in an infant skull
  13. 30. Complex consisting of a Haversian canal and the lamellae surrounding it
  14. 31. Marking left on the bone from growth at the epiphyseal plate
  15. 33. Ribs 1-7 which articulate directly to the sternum by cartilage
  16. 34. Site of fat storage in medullary cavity of long bones
  17. 35. A joint; where two bones meet
  18. 37. Cartilage that covers the epiphyses for smooth movement
  19. 38. Refers to the hip region
  20. 39. Tiny canals that radiate outward from the Haversian canal to lacunae to supply the bone cells with nutrients.
  21. 40. Bone-destroying cells
  1. 1. Mature bone cells
  2. 2. Site of hematopoiesis in the cavities of spongy bone
  3. 3. Inflammation of the joints that occurs with aging
  4. 6. The first vertebra, C1; allows you to nod your head
  5. 7. Composed of bones that make up the limbs and girdles which attach limbs to the axial skeleton
  6. 10. Second vertebra in the neck, C2; allows rotation of the head
  7. 11. Bone that is composed of small pieces of bone and lots of open space
  8. 12. Process of bone formation from cartilage
  9. 13. Bone-building cells
  10. 14. 12 vertebrae in the chest; attached to ribs
  11. 16. joint Joint that is slightly moveable
  12. 17. Shaft of a long bone; composed of compact bone
  13. 19. Abnormal curvature of the spine
  14. 20. joint Type of joint that allows the most movement; bones are separated by a cavity filled with synovial fluid
  15. 21. Weakening of bone that occurs with aging
  16. 27. Composed of bones that form the longitudinal axis of the body from the skull to the end of the vertebral column
  17. 29. Concentric circles or rings of lacunae found in bone tissue
  18. 32. Canals in bone tissue that carry blood vessels and nerves
  19. 36. 7 vertebrae in the neck