Skeletal System Crossword

  1. 2. ligaments or tendons are damaged by excessive stretching or they are torn away from the bone
  2. 4. thumb joint
  3. 5. allows all movement, including rotation
  4. 7. freely moveable joints
  5. 13. flattened fibrous sacs lined synovial membrane and contained a thing film of synovial fluid
  6. 19. communication pathway from outside of the bone to its interior
  7. 22. bones that do not fall into any other classification
  8. 28. tiny canals
  9. 29. gliding doesn't involve rotation around any axis
  10. 31. covers the external surface of the bone
  11. 35. chronic inflammatory disorder affects fingers, wrist, ankles and feet of women aged 40-50
  12. 39. ends of the long bone
  13. 42. essentially flat nd only short slipping or gliding movements are allowed
  14. 44. bone is crushed
  15. 45. growth plate
  16. 46. the process of repair or growth to the bone
  17. 48. mature bone cells
  18. 51. the canal in the center of the lamellae
  19. 52. curvatures that develop after birth
  20. 57. part of the skill that encloses and protects the fragile brain tissue
  21. 60. inward abnormality of the lumbar vertebrae
  22. 61. joint inflammation
  23. 64. the bones that form the longitudinal axis of the body
  24. 66. bone formation
  25. 67. spherical head of one bone fits into a round socket in another
  26. 68. longer bone than it is wide
  27. 69. a bone thinning disease
  28. 70. bumps, holes, and ridges in the bone
  29. 71. bone as long as it is wide
  30. 72. fibrous connective tissue membrane that covers and protects the diaphysis
  31. 73. joints where bone ends are spererated by a joint cavity containing synovial fluid
  32. 74. fibrous membranes connecting that cranial bones
  33. 75. uric acid accumulates in the blood and may be deposited as needle shaped crystals in soft tissues as joints
  34. 76. fibrocartilage that separate individual vertebrae
  35. 77. bones that hold the eyes in an anterior position and allow the facial to show feelings
  1. 1. when a bone is forced out of its normal position
  2. 3. what infants have in their medullary cavity
  3. 6. bone breaks into many fragments
  4. 8. the canal inside the diaphysis
  5. 9. concentric circles made up of lacunae
  6. 10. extra bone tissue thickens around the eroded cartilage
  7. 11. crunching noise from joints affected by osteoarthritis
  8. 12. blood cell formation
  9. 14. a blood filled swelling
  10. 15. adipose fat tissue
  11. 16. immovable joints
  12. 17. the realignment of the broken bone ends
  13. 18. curvatures present a birth
  14. 20. C2
  15. 21. broken bone portion is pressed inward
  16. 23. movement occurs around two axis
  17. 24. tiny cavities within the matrix
  18. 25. allow movement around only one axis
  19. 26. the bones of the limbs and girdles
  20. 27. broken bone ends are forced into each other
  21. 30. cylindrical end of a one bone fits into a trough-shaped structure on another bone
  22. 32. dense bone and looks smooth and homogenous
  23. 33. egg shaped surface of one bone fits into an oval concavity in another
  24. 34. C1
  25. 36. slipped discs
  26. 37. wear and tear arthritis
  27. 38. bone breaks incompletely
  28. 40. giant bone destroying cells
  29. 41. connective tissue fibers that connect the periosteum to the bone
  30. 43. joints
  31. 47. bone forming cells
  32. 49. bone ends that are connected by cartilage
  33. 50. inflammation of bursae or synovial joint
  34. 53. slightly moveable joints
  35. 54. composed of small needlelike pieces of bone and lots of open space
  36. 55. ragged break caused by excessive twisting forces applied to the bone
  37. 56. 's' shaped sing abnormality
  38. 58. rounded end of one bone fits into a sleeve or ring of bone
  39. 59. hunchback abnormality of thoracic vertebrae
  40. 62. shaft of a bone
  41. 63. bones that are united by fibrous tissue
  42. 65. thin and flattened bone