Skeletal System Review

  1. 3. This bony substance if formed during the third stage of bone healing
  2. 4. Cavity of a long bone that is either yellow or red
  3. 11. Stage of skeletal development where the facial bones protrude
  4. 13. This forms during the first stage of bone healing
  5. 16. Where two bones come together - another name for a joint
  6. 17. Portion of the skeleton that includes the girdles and appendages
  7. 18. Bone type that includes the vertebrae and pelvis
  8. 19. Bone marking that allows nerves and blood vessels to pass
  9. 20. These are the bone cells that break down bone
  10. 27. This bone disorder can occur in old age because of bone weakening
  11. 32. This function of the skeleton involves the muscles
  12. 33. Shaft of a long bone
  13. 36. Bones type that includes the femur, humerus and radius
  1. 1. Bone type that includes the skull bones and the scapula
  2. 2. Most of the bone growth occurs during this time period
  3. 3. Bone marking that helps to form joints
  4. 5. This happens to bone during the last stage of bone healing
  5. 6. Cartilage on the end of of a long bone that reduces friction
  6. 7. Bones need to be stressed to stay healthy during this time period
  7. 8. Function of the skeleton that contains nutrients
  8. 9. Function of the skeleton that deals with posture
  9. 10. Joints of the skull are examples of this type
  10. 12. This joint is an example of a ball and socket joint
  11. 14. The vertebrae is an example of this joint type
  12. 15. These cells are produced in bone by the marrow
  13. 17. Portion of the skeleton that includes the skull, rib cage and vertebrae
  14. 21. The end of a long bone where bone growth occurs
  15. 22. This is formed during the second stage of bone healing as a splint
  16. 23. The portion of the bone with open space that gives bone its flexibility
  17. 24. This type of fracture usually occurs in sport injuries
  18. 25. Function of the skeleton that deals with the vital organs
  19. 26. The dense and smooth portion of a bone
  20. 27. Bone cells that build new bone
  21. 28. Bone marking that is an attachment site
  22. 29. Shiny outer protective layer of the diaphysis
  23. 30. Type of joint that provides movement in many directions
  24. 31. Stage of bone growth where bone is mostly cartilage
  25. 34. Examples of this joint include the elbow, knee and ankle
  26. 35. Bone type that includes the carpal and tarsal bones