Skeletal System : The Skull

  1. 3. / The right mandile is lowered from its point of articulation better to reveal deeper bones
  2. 4. TETRAPODS / Means 'Four feet'
  3. 6. MESETHMOID / Element forms the septum between the nasal capsules and usually remains cartilaginous
  4. 7. PRIMITIVE AMNIOTES / Includes all living reptiles birds and mammals
  5. 8. SERIES / Dermal bones encricle the eye to define the orbit
  6. 9. / Differ considerably from one species to another
  7. 11. SUSPENSION / Points at which the jaws attach to the rest of the skull
  8. 14. SERIES / Roofing bones run across the top of the skull and cover the brain beneath
  9. 18. TEMPORAL / Formed by the fusion of contributions
  10. 19. / Applies to a variety of vertebrates of several Evolutionary lines
  11. 22. / Primarily from the merger of the squamosal tympanic and petrosal
  12. 24. SERIES / Primary palate cover much of the roof of the mouth
  13. 25. BULLA / A derivative of the angular
  14. 26. / Marine vertebrates of the class agnathans
  15. 28. RADIATION OF THERAPSIDS / For a time in the permian and early triassic,they were fairly abundant.
  16. 30. / Dominant large terrestrial animal, they also invaded the oceans (Whales)
  17. 31. OF THE SKULL / Evolutionary history of a taxonomy
  18. 32. / Human Anatomy, neurocranium
  19. 33. / Are a group of warm- blooded vertebrates
  20. 34. / Merged into a harmonious unit the vertebrate skull
  21. 35. SERIES / Encircles the external naris and collectively forms the snout
  1. 1. / Appear to lie in series with the bases of the vertebrate
  2. 2. / Animals or large group distinguished by the possession of a backbone or spinal column
  3. 5. / Types of fishes that are jawless
  4. 6. OCCIPITAL / Centers of ossification that include the interparietal
  5. 10. / Are vertebrates that possess jaws
  6. 11. CHONDROCRANIUM / Eusthneopteron is formed by the union between the anterior ethmosphenoid and the posterior oticooccipital units
  7. 12. TURBINATES / Mammals the ethmoid portion ossifies to form scroll like
  8. 13. / Usually completes the lower rim of the orbit
  9. 15. / Body enclosed in an armor of bony plates
  10. 16. DERMATOCRANIUM / The superficial wall of bones composes the dermatocranium
  11. 17. / Allows animal to grasp and fear its food
  12. 18. MIDDLE EAR BONES / Two profound changes in the lower jaw
  13. 20. / This class are amniotes that are neither mammals nor birds
  14. 21. PALATE / Air moves down the trachea and food travels down the esophagus
  15. 23. / Fishes are classified under the clades of chondrichyes
  16. 27. / Characterized by a bony skeleton, simply called bony fishes
  17. 29. / Significant movement of the Skull
  18. 30. SUSPENSION FEEDING / Feeding strategy confined largely perhaps, to animals living in water
  19. 32. SPHENOID / Fused bones are joined by parts of the pterygoid and lingula