Skeletal System Unit Vocabulary Crossword

  1. 5. a small channel or duct.
  2. 8. degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone, most common from middle age onward. It causes pain and stiffness, especially in the hip, knee, and thumb joints.
  3. 9. excessive outward curvature of the spine, causing hunching of the back.
  4. 10. Multiaxial; allows wide range of motion in all directions.
  5. 11. Uniaxial; Rotation around single axix; Cylinderical bony process rotating within circle of bone and ligament.
  6. 14. the central cavity of bone shafts where red bone and/or yellow bone marrow is stored.
  7. 17. bone marrow that is yellow with fat; found at the ends of long bones in adults.
  8. 18. a layer of cartilage separating adjacent vertebrae in the spine.
  9. 19. Biaxial; 2 saddle-shaped articulating surfaces oriented at right angles to each other.
  10. 21. abnormal lateral curvature of the spine.
  11. 22. A type of articulation between bony surfaces that permits limited motion and is connected by ligaments or elastic cartilage, such as that between the vertebrae.
  12. 24. any of the minute tubes that form a network in bone and contain blood vessels
  13. 29. a fracture of the bone, occurring typically in children, in which one side of the bone is broken and the other only bent.
  14. 31. s the most superior cervical vertebra of the spine.
  15. 32. bones which, from their peculiar form, cannot be grouped as long bone, short bone, flat bone or sesamoid bone.
  16. 33. An injury where a joint is forced out of normal position.
  17. 37. a hyaline cartilage plate in the metaphysis at each end of a long bone.
  18. 38. a thin layer, membrane, scale, or platelike tissue or part, especially in bone tissue.
  19. 39. Occurs when one or more bones in the spine weaken and crumple.
  20. 41. dense bone in which the bony matrix is solidly filled with organic ground substance and inorganic salts, leaving only tiny spaces (lacunae) that contain the osteocytes, or bone cells.
  21. 43. a disease in which defective metabolism of uric acid causes arthritis, especially in the smaller bones of the feet and episodes of acute pain.
  22. 45. joins bones with a fibrous joint capsule that is continuous with the periosteum of the joined bones, constitutes the outer boundary of a synovial cavity, and surrounds the bones' articulating surfaces.
  23. 47. portion of the skeleton of vertebrates consisting of the bones or cartilage that support the appendages.
  24. 48. bone fracture occurring when torque (a rotating force) is applied along the axis of a bone.
  25. 49. Occuring around several axes.
  26. 50. Uniaxial; Convex cylindar in one bone applied to corresponding concavity in other.
  27. 53. break in a cranial bone (or "crushed" portion of skull) with depression of the bone in toward the brain.
  28. 59. bones that are as wide as they are long. Their primary function is to provide support and stability with little to no movement.
  29. 60. the state of being jointed.
  30. 64. the smooth, white tissue that covers the ends of bones where they come together to form joints.
  31. 65. characteristics on the surface of the axial and appendicular bones that indicate attachments, articulations or openings for nerves and blood vessels.
  32. 67. a medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue, typically as a result of hormonal changes, or deficiency of calcium or vitamin D.
  33. 68. Non-axial; 2 flat bone surfaces w/slight gliding motion; some rotation poss but limited by surrounding structures.
  34. 70. the red vascular substance consisting of connective tissue and blood vessels containing primitive blood cells, macrophages, megakaryocytes, and fat cells.
  35. 72. A bone fracture in which one of the fragments is driven into another fragment.
  36. 74. a solid swelling of clotted blood within the tissues.
  37. 75. the skull, especially the part enclosing the brain.
  38. 76. procedure for putting the pieces of a broken bone back into the right position without surgery.
  39. 77. part of the skeleton that consists of the bones of the head and trunk of a vertebrate.
  40. 78. inflammation of a bursa, typically one in the knee, elbow or shoulder.
  1. 1. connected entirely by cartilage (fibrocartilage or hyaline).
  2. 2. synovial joint
  3. 3. a fluid-filled sac or saclike cavity, especially one countering friction at a joint.
  4. 4. Slipping movement only, no axis around which movement can occur.
  5. 6. network of irregularly-shaped sheets and spikes of bone (trabecular).
  6. 7. bones whose principal function is either extensive protection or the provision of broad surfaces for muscular attachment.
  7. 12. excessive inward curvature of the spine.
  8. 13. Transverse vessels, which run perpendicular to the long axis of the cortex
  9. 15. chronic progressive disease causing inflammation in the joints and resulting in painful deformity and immobility, especially in the fingers, wrists, feet, and ankles.
  10. 16. a space between the bones of the skull in an infant or fetus, where ossification is not complete and the sutures not fully formed. The main one is between the frontal and parietal bones.
  11. 20. a grating sound or sensation produced by friction between bone and cartilage or the fractured parts of a bone.
  12. 23. a cavity or depression, especially in bone.
  13. 25. thick bundles of collagen fibers that extend from the periosteum into the extracellular bone matrix connecting them.
  14. 26. A condition which refers to a problem with a rubbery disk between the spinal bones.
  15. 27. a cell that secretes the matrix for bone formation.
  16. 28. see Haversian canal
  17. 30. Occuring around 2 axes at right angles to each other.
  18. 34. is a lifelong process where mature bone tissue is removed from the skeleton and new bone tissue is formed.
  19. 35. the production of blood cells and platelets, which occurs in the bone marrow.
  20. 36. develop after birth.
  21. 40. a break or splinter of the bone into more than two fragments.
  22. 42. see Volkmann's canal
  23. 44. the end part of a long bone, initially growing separately from the shaft.
  24. 46. process in which cartilage is transformed into bone.
  25. 51. an immovably fixed joint between bones connected by fibrous tissue (for example, the sutures of the skull).
  26. 52. have no joint cavity and are connected via fibrous connective tissue.
  27. 54. Biaxial; Modified ball-socket; Articular surfaces are ellipsoid instead of spherical; range of motion limited almost to hinge and restricts rotation.
  28. 55. a large multinucleate bone cell that absorbs bone tissue during growth and healing.
  29. 56. form during fetal development.
  30. 57. the shaft or central part of a long bone.
  31. 58. an outgrowth of bone that can occur along the edges of a bone.
  32. 61. Occuring around one axis, movement only in one plane.
  33. 62. dense bones that provide strength, structure, and mobility. The thigh bone (femur) is a long bone.
  34. 63. a dense layer of vascular connective tissue enveloping the bones except at the surfaces of the joints.
  35. 66. a bone cell, formed when an osteoblast becomes embedded in the matrix it has secreted.
  36. 69. painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints.
  37. 71. A stretching or tearing of ligaments, the fibrous tissue that connects bones and joints.
  38. 73. the second cervical vertebra of the spine.