Skeletal System Vocab List

  1. 2. Includes all the bones of the appendages
  2. 3. Another word for slightly moveable
  3. 6. Cells that break down and reabsorb bone tissue
  4. 11. Tissue that attaches the ribs to the sternum
  5. 12. Fills the medullary cavity and stores fat
  6. 15. Soft spots in an infant's skull
  7. 16. The ends of a long bone
  8. 18. The last fused vertebrae that makes up the tailbone
  9. 19. Another name for dense, solid compact bone; arranged in concentric circles
  10. 21. Passages of blood vessels and nerves at the center of each osteon
  11. 22. Structures that connect bone to bone
  12. 23. Cervical vertebra (C2) that pivots/rotates head
  13. 25. Formation of red blood cells in red bone marrow
  14. 26. Cells that produce matrix and form bone tissue
  15. 27. Concentric circles of matrix around each haversian canal
  16. 29. Last 2 pairs of false ribs; do not attach to sternum at all
  17. 31. Chambers that enclose each osteocyte
  18. 33. The shaft of a bone
  19. 35. Tissues that lines the medullary cavity
  20. 36. Structures that connect bone to muscle
  21. 37. Region of cartilage at the ends of bones where growth occurs; “growth plate”
  22. 38. Mature bone cells
  23. 39. Cervical vertebra (C1) attached to the skull; moves head forward and backward
  24. 40. Membranes that covers bone and attaches to tendons and ligaments
  1. 1. Bones that are roughly cube-shaped, like wrist and ankle bones
  2. 4. The fundamental unit of bone tissue
  3. 5. Passages of blood vessels and nerves that connect the periosteum
  4. 7. Another word for immovable
  5. 8. Two names for the formation of bone tissue
  6. 9. Hollow chambers within the diaphysis
  7. 10. Opening in the skull where the spinal cord connects to the brain stem
  8. 11. Tiny passages of cytoplasm that connect osteocytes together
  9. 13. Another name for spongy; often filled with bone marrow
  10. 14. Type of joint enclosed in a capsule, such as joints between long bones
  11. 17. Connection points between skull bones
  12. 20. Includes the skull, vertebrae, and rib cage
  13. 24. Bones that are embedded in tendons
  14. 28. Any connection between two bones
  15. 30. Structures that join the 2 halves of the pelvic girdle
  16. 32. The joint enclosed in a capsule, such as joints between long bones
  17. 34. Ribs that attaches the ribs to the sternum