Skeletal System Vocabulary

  1. 1. _____ cavity; filled with yellow bone marrow
  2. 3. ____ and fibula lower leg bones
  3. 6. the protein fiber that provides bone their flexibility and strength
  4. 9. cartilage cells
  5. 11. radius and ____ forearm bones
  6. 12. upper arm bones
  7. 14. protects your thoracic cavity
  8. 15. feet bones
  9. 17. type of bone, ex vertebrae
  10. 18. role of skeleton, keeps organs safe
  11. 19. shoulder bone
  12. 20. type of bone, ex femur
  13. 21. type of bone tissue that has spaces filled with bone marrow, holes
  14. 23. knee bone
  15. 28. bone forming cells that secrete calcified ground substance
  16. 29. bone killing cells that break down bone for remodeling, growth, or repair
  1. 2. shaft of bone
  2. 4. finger bones
  3. 5. thigh bone
  4. 7. chest bone
  5. 8. role of skeleton, makes red blood cells
  6. 10. the mineral that gives bone their strength and hardness
  7. 13. wrist bones
  8. 16. _____ cartilage covers the epiphysis at joints
  9. 19. type of bone, ex wrist bones
  10. 22. type of bone, ex skull
  11. 24. your hip and waist bones
  12. 25. bone cell in a calcified matrix
  13. 26. end of the bone, made with spongy bony tissue
  14. 27. type of bone tissue that is strong, osteons arranged in circles called lamellae