Skeletal System Vocabulary

  1. 1. bone shatters into many pieces
  2. 3. enlarged ends of long bones
  3. 4. joining point of epiphysis and diaphysis
  4. 5. space within the bone filled with marrow
  5. 8. process by which tissue and cartilage becomes bone
  6. 11. cube shaped bone, i.e. bones of the carpus and tarsus
  7. 14. framework of structures that support and protect the body
  8. 17. bone longer than it is wide, i.e. humerus, radius, and femur
  9. 19. freely moveable joint
  10. 20. thin outer layer of bone covering
  11. 21. break completely across the bone
  12. 22. plate of bone, i.e. scapula
  1. 2. consists of the skull and vertebrae
  2. 6. complex and irregularly shaped bone, i.e. vertebrae
  3. 7. bone does not break through the skin
  4. 9. bone breaks through the skin
  5. 10. break along the long axis of a bone
  6. 12. consists of fore and hind limbs
  7. 13. small, seed-shaped bone embedded in a tendon, i.e. proximal and distal sesamoids
  8. 15. thin inner layer of bone covering; lines medullary cavity
  9. 16. break on one side of a bone, usually due to a bending force
  10. 18. body of a long bone