Skeletal System

  1. 5. membranes at the angles of cranial bones that accommodate brain growth in the fetus and infant
  2. 7. Inflammation of joints
  3. 9. A joint that allows movement in one plane
  4. 10. Found in intervertebral discs
  5. 12. Double layered connective tissue that covers and nourishes the bone.
  6. 14. A form of inflammation. Usually around the big toe.
  7. 16. Marrow in the bones with blood cells and platelets
  8. 17. Layer of membrane around the tendon
  9. 18. Joints connected entirely by cartilage
  10. 20. Inflammation in the joints
  11. 21. A break in the bone
  12. 25. Elongated shaft of a long bone
  13. 28. A Natural or manufactured joint
  14. 30. A joint that allows movement in two planes
  15. 32. A process where mature bone tissue is removed from the skeleton
  16. 33. A fibrous sac lined with synovial membrane and containing synovial fluid
  17. 34. Internal layer of skeletal bone.
  1. 1. The canal in the center of each osteon that contains minute blood vessels and nerve fibers that serve the needs of osteocytes
  2. 2. Cartilage with abundant elastic fibers
  3. 3. A synovial joint that forms and is shaped like a saddle
  4. 4. Large cells that resorb or break down bone matrix
  5. 6. A bone cell
  6. 8. A condition attributed to an inadequate amount of vitamin D
  7. 11. Band of regular fibrous tissue that connects bones
  8. 13. A disease where the bones begin to weaken
  9. 15. Glass-like, but translucent. Made of Chondroblasts
  10. 19. Skeleton relating to the limbs
  11. 22. Part of the skeleton that consists of the bones of the head and trunk of a vertebrae
  12. 23. Bones joined by fibrous tissue
  13. 24. A freely moveable joint that allows only rotary movement around a single axis
  14. 26. Freely moveable join exhibiting a joint cavity
  15. 27. A synovial joint which allows gliding movement
  16. 29. The hard outer layer of bones
  17. 31. Bone-Forming cells
  18. 35. The end parts of a long bone