Skeletal System

  1. 7. Soft tissue inside the cavities within the bones
  2. 8. Joint that allows no movement
  3. 9. Breaks down bone
  4. 10. Strip of tough connective tissue that holds bones together at a joint
  5. 13. Place where one bone attaches to another
  6. 14. Joints permit small amount of restrictive movement
  7. 18. A solid network of living cells and protein fibers that are surrounded by deposits of calcium salts
  8. 19. Strong connective tissue that supports the body and is softer and more flexible than bone
  1. 1. One of a network of tubes running through compact bone that contains blood vessels and nerves
  2. 2. Process of bone formation, during which cartilage is replaced by bone
  3. 3. Number of bones in the skeleton
  4. 4. Small sack of synovial that reduces friction between the bones
  5. 5. Tough layer of connective tissue surrounding a bone
  6. 6. Joints that permit movement in one or more directions
  7. 11. Less dense tissue found inside the outer layer of compact bone
  8. 12. Thick layer of dense bone beneath the periosteum
  9. 14. The body's structural support
  10. 15. Mature bone cells
  11. 16. Produces bone
  12. 17. Lubricating film that enables the surfaces of the joint to slide smoothly over one another