
  1. 1. A door standing open
  2. 6. Moving in the direction of home
  3. 7. In Michael's dream, who visits his sister in the hospital?
  4. 10. To what object does Michael compare the moon?
  5. 13. Michael and Mina by the end of chapter 30
  6. 17. Mina's cat
  7. 18. Somnambulism
  8. 19. In Michael's dream, his baby sister is...
  1. 2. A beat
  2. 3. The baby is in a hospital.....
  3. 4. Michael sees these rising on Mina's back
  4. 5. A type of jersey
  5. 8. An animal that lives on the meat of other living things
  6. 9. The emotion in dad's voice
  7. 11. What is Michael awoken by in the middle of the night?
  8. 12. Noise
  9. 13. What the owls are bringing Skellig?
  10. 14. Baby birds
  11. 15. To laugh
  12. 16. A torch