Sleep And Dreams

  1. 2. The average human needs about _________ years of sleep
  2. 5. A sequence of images, emotions, and thoughts passing through a person's mind while asleep.
  3. 7. Recurring problems falling/staying asleep. not defined by number of hours of sleep every night. Either can't sleep at all (primary) or can't stay asleep (secondary)
  4. 9. effects about 10% of the population at least once in their life. happens during nREM sleep (stage 3/4) early in the night.
  5. 10. also known as Physiological Function Theory (or the most boring dream theory) that explains dreams as a way to make sense of our brainstem releasing random neural activity during the night
  1. 1. also known as information processing theory- Cartwright- where dreams are used to sort out and understand the memories that are experienced that day.
  2. 3. Frued's dream theory. dreams are the key to understanding our inner conflicts. Ideas and thoughts that are hidden in our unconcious come out in dreams.
  3. 4. the underlying meaning of a dream
  4. 6. the remembered storyline of a dream
  5. 8. high arousal and an appearence of being terrified. Occurs in stage 4 sleep (NOT REM).
  6. 11. temporary cessations of breathing during sleep and consequent momentary reawaking
  7. 12. characterized by uncontrolable sleep attacks. Lapses directly inot REM sleep (usually during times of stress or joy)