
  1. 4. Distracted _____________ is a serious risk
  2. 5. Secure ____ and rugs that do not lay flat
  3. 7. Where possible, avoid slippery surfaces, such as wet leaves, icy areas and ______ banks
  4. 8. Clean your _____ when you go inside. Caked snow and ice on shoe soles can be treacherous.
  5. 10. Slips, Trips, and Falls are some of the most common __________ in the workplace
  6. 12. To _______ like a penguin, bend slightly and walk flat footed. Keep your center of gravity over your feet as much as possible
  7. 13. Wear appropriate footwear with slip-________ soles when walking ice
  8. 15. A fall down these can cause serious injuries
  9. 16. Good ______________ is critical to preventing slips, trips, and falls
  10. 17. ____, trips & falls
  1. 1. ______ all slips, trips and fall hazards and incidents to your supervisor
  2. 2. Clearly identify steps, ramps and other _________ changes
  3. 3. Walk slowly and deliberately, _________ on the path ahead
  4. 6. Clean up _____ and wet areas inside immediately and mark the area
  5. 7. Check to make sure entrance areas and stairs are clear of snow and ______
  6. 8. Walk slow and take ____ steps when walking on ice and snow
  7. 9. Use _____, sand or another proven anti-slip material to keep lots and walkways clear
  8. 11. Open ___________ containers can cause spills
  9. 14. If you see a _______ you should clean it up