SMA News Puzzle (September 2021)

  1. 1. An irregularly formed haemorrhagic area of the skin: the colour is blue-black, changing to greenish brown or yellow
  2. 5. Widely known as the Father of Medicine
  3. 6. Phenomenon characterised by the worsening of neurologic symptoms in multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases when the body is overheated
  4. 8. Loss of colour vision as a result of damage to extrastriate visual cortex
  5. 10. Lesser known physician who was the father of the Father of Medicine
  6. 12. Neurological syndrome caused by severe mercury poisoning. Symptoms include ataxia, numbness in the hands and feet, general muscle weakness, narrowing of the field of vision and damage to hearing and speech
  7. 13. Destruction of soft tissue by bacteria that results in the release of waste gases and fluids
  8. 14. Special stain for amyloid proteins
  1. 2. The Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine 2020 was awarded for the discovery of this virus
  2. 3. First director-general of the World Health Organization
  3. 4. A disorder affecting the sensory organ within the inner ear responsible for balance and hearing. It is characterised by episodes of dizziness, tinnitus and progressive hearing loss, usually in one ear
  4. 7. Surgeon who described an operation to treat an abnormal thickening of the hand (palmar fascia) causing curling of fingers and impaired function of the fingers
  5. 8. American physician who first discovered verrucous carcinoma
  6. 9. Whenever two human beings come into contact, something from one is exchanged to the other, ie, dust, skin cells, hair, etc. Founded the Institute of Lyon’s Institute of Criminalistics and derived a famous Exchange Principle
  7. 11. German pathologist who postulated the origins of renal cell carcinoma