Small Animal Medicine

  1. 4. What can hypoxia and heart disease cause?
  2. 5. What animal more commonly gets right heart failure?
  3. 8. What part of the urinary system contains the kidneys and ureter?
  4. 9. First step to diagnostic method?
  5. 10. What is the disease process type?
  6. 11. Which animal more commonly has Type 1 diabetes?
  7. 13. What is the common name for Hypoadrenocorticism disease?
  8. 14. What color pleural fluid is chylous effusion?
  9. 17. What type of anemia has an inadequate new red blood cell production?
  10. 18. What disease has a large volume of diarrhea a few times a day?
  11. 20. Type 2 diabetes is insulin _________?
  1. 1. What is the medical name for oxygen saturation of hemoglobin?
  2. 2. What thyroid disease is caused by atrophy of the thyroid gland?
  3. 3. DKA?
  4. 6. What part of the urinary system contains the bladder and urethra?
  5. 7. What can happen shortly after eating with no recthing?
  6. 12. What is the medical word for concentrated urine?
  7. 15. What disease causes mucous in the feces?
  8. 16. The disease of what organ can cause jaundice?
  9. 19. What part of the respiratory system do you want to increase a cough for supportive care?