Small intestine channel

  1. 2. element of he sea
  2. 6. a zangfu that the small intestine channel connects
  3. 7. is the small intestine yang or yin?
  4. 8. paired channel
  5. 10. distributes this to the face and head and lower jiao
  6. 11. this channel is the most external or internal
  7. 12. SI-4
  8. 14. Du Mai master point
  9. 15. SI-8
  10. 16. element of shu stream
  11. 18. SI-16 and SI-17
  12. 20. promotes blank of fluids and nutrients
  13. 21. element of jing well
  1. 1. element of jing river
  2. 3. exterior/interior relationship
  3. 4. where the internal path enters the body
  4. 5. SI-6
  5. 8. Back shu point of small intestine
  6. 9. pathology of the SI organ
  7. 13. Front mu point of small intestine
  8. 16. element of ying spring
  9. 17. regulates function of
  10. 19. the taiyang channels protect from the
  11. 22. SI-7