  1. 4. Diabetes happens due to Insulin Deficiency and Insulin_______________ (Fill in the Blank )
  2. 5. To assess the efficacy, insulin dose, safety and immunogenicity when people with type 1 diabetes mellitus switched between MYL-1501D and reference insulin glargine- Name of the Study is
  3. 7. A Closing statement should have Own Brand Name , Indication , Number of Rx.and ____________________
  4. 8. For hospitalised patients requiring IV/SC insulin therapy , choose
  5. 11. 'Switch' study is a mulicentre , open lebel ,______________ ( Fill in the Blank) Group trial
  6. 13. For patients uncontrolled on OADs ___________ (Fill in the Blank) with Basalog
  7. 14. Biocon's Insulin Glargine approved as world's first ___________ (Fill in the Blank)insulin glargine by US FDA
  8. 15. In India this Organisation approved Biocon's Insulin Glargine
  9. 17. The difference between Mixtard 30/70 and Insugen Cartridge is ____________ ( Fill in the Blank ) Rs.
  10. 18. This kind of Diabetes happens to pregnant women
  11. 19. Ideally to initiate with Basalog - how many units we should start with?
  1. 1. While Basalog Refill is 're-usable' and Basalog One is _____________ (Fill in the Blank )
  2. 2. In T2DM patients with HbA1c of 7.5% to 8.5% uncontrolled on OADs, Initiate(Name the international study for the Brand SKU)
  3. 3. The Hookline for Insugen is - True ______________ ( Fill In the Blank ) in Diabetes Management
  4. 6. If the HbA1c is more than 9% , the Fixing Fasting First concept comes - so initiate with
  5. 9. PK and PD equivalence was demonstrated between Insugen R and Humulin -R in healthy subjects
  6. 10. The Hook line for Basalog is - The Globally Trusted & _____________ (Fill in the Blank)Basalog
  7. 12. Over 21 lakh patients on Insugen in last___________ ( Fill in the Blank ) years
  8. 14. T2DM patients with HbA1c > 8.5 % requiring affordable Insulin therapy initiate with
  9. 16. The 'SWITCH' study is accepted by which Scientific Body