Smallville, Friends, Game of Thrones, Gotham

  1. 3. Smallville: Clark’s best female friend
  2. 4. GoT: Nickname for Tyrion
  3. 7. Smallville: Jor El’s enemy
  4. 8. Ivy Gotham: Ivy Pepper will become this
  5. 9. Friends: Our blond ninja buddy
  6. 12. Gordon Gotham: The protagonist
  7. 15. Gotham: This series is a prequel to the story of this well-known vigilante
  8. 16. GoT: Ned's role for King Robert
  9. 19. Gotham: Edward Nygma is more commonly known as the
  10. 22. Smallville: Clark’s cousin
  11. 23. Gotham: Jim's fiancée
  12. 25. GoT: These birds take messages
  13. 27. GoT: The symbol of the Lannisters
  14. 29. Smallville: Clark’s Dad
  15. 32. Friends: A slightly camp fellow I didn’t always see eye to eye with at Uni
  16. 33. Smallville: The job of both Clark and the woman he marries
  17. 38. Friends: The creator of Breadfist, Wedgeman and Coning
  18. 40. GoT: The Stark children’s pets
  19. 43. Finger GoT: He runs a brothel and was in love with Catelyn Stark
  20. 45. Gotham: The channel that the TV series is aired on
  21. 46. Gotham: One of the leading Mob bosses
  22. 47. GoT: The blond pompous and mostly hateful family
  23. 49. Flash Smallville: Bart’s role in the justice league (Becky’s Favourite)
  24. 50. Smallville: Owns Queen industries
  25. 52. GoT: What House did Catelyn belong to before Marrying a Stark
  26. 54. Friends: One of your more 'high maintenance' friends
  27. 55. Friends: A slightly strange friend that we are somewhat wary of (also ‘Cov lot’)
  28. 56. Gotham: What's the answer to Edward Nygma's riddle "What's nowhere, but everywhere, except where something is"
  29. 58. GoT: Khal Drogo is one of these
  30. 60. Friends: Big crazy London friend who is always asking about you
  31. 61. Walkers GoT: Ice zombies from the other side of the wall
  32. 64. Landing GoT: Where the Iron Throne is based
  33. 65. GoT: The name of Arya's sword
  34. 66. Smallville: The state that Smallville is in
  35. 70. Gotham: This was injected into people to give them temporary superhuman abilities
  36. 71. Friends: Disney, Torchwood & Doctor Who obsessed
  37. 73. Friends: There were two of them in halls, allegedly only one of them is gay…
  38. 75. Gotham: She is hired by Fish to get close to Falcone
  1. 1. GoT: This character says only his name
  2. 2. Gotham: Bruce's Dad was named this
  3. 5. Friends: Our Sheepy pally
  4. 6. Friends: She is so Northern
  5. 9. Smallville: The more common name for the Brain Interactive Construct
  6. 10. EL Smallville: Clark’s Kryptonian name
  7. 11. Friends: He fell asleep on the kitchen table on girls floor in RDB on the very first night of Uni (holding a chocolate biscuit)
  8. 13. Gotham: The public service Jim and Harvey work for
  9. 14. Friends: Your bearded Rugby buddy
  10. 17. Friends: He has spoon toes and boat feet
  11. 18. GoT: Daenerys Targaryen’s babies
  12. 20. Lane Smallville: The character who nicknames Clark ‘Smallville’
  13. 21. Kent Smallville: Clark’s Mum
  14. 23. Gotham: Harvey _____ Gordon's Partner
  15. 24. GoT: Where the Starks live
  16. 26. GoT: The home city of the actor who plays Eddard Stark!
  17. 28. Smallville: Lex’s Dad
  18. 30. Gotham: What nationality is Bruce's butler
  19. 31. Gotham: Bruce ______
  20. 34. Iron Throne GoT: The seat everyone wants to sit on
  21. 35. Smallville: Clark’s best friend, the first to know about his secret
  22. 36. Friends: "Daaannkk"
  23. 37. Gotham: What is the surname of the Wayne family butler, Alfred
  24. 39. GoT: The King born of incest
  25. 40. Smallville: This character kills Jimmy
  26. 41. Smallville: Miss Sullivan’s role in the justice league
  27. 42. Mooney Gotham: The women with her finger in all the pies
  28. 44. Friends: "You'll never win you know"
  29. 47. Lang Smallville: Clark’s first love
  30. 48. Gotham: Cat's real name
  31. 51. Gotham: Oswald Cobblepot's nickname
  32. 53. Luther Smallville: Clark’s best friend and worst enemy
  33. 57. Today GoT: "What do we say to the God of death?"
  34. 59. Gotham: The place where all the bad guys and crazies go
  35. 61. Friends: My favourite of the 'Cov lot' that often crashed at ours at uni
  36. 62. Mercer Smallville: The rejected Luthor
  37. 63. Blue Blur Smallville: Lois’ name for the speedy superhero before she knows that it’s Clark
  38. 67. Friends: Obsessed with Sharks, Jurassic Park and Gilmore Girls
  39. 68. Friends: The Turk to your JD
  40. 69. Friends: Crazy Albanian
  41. 72. GoT: The youngest of Ned's daughters
  42. 74. Friends: Soon to be Mrs Hoxha!!!