Smart Money Management

  1. 2. The filter in your brain that lets only lets in what you believe
  2. 4. Home Loan
  3. 6. Yearly interest charged
  4. 7. When you owe someone money
  5. 10. Intelligent
  6. 11. The way you think
  7. 12. A Desire
  8. 13. Decline of purchasing power
  9. 15. Smartest thing you can do with your money
  10. 16. The money you put aside for a rainy day
  11. 18. Give a reason
  12. 19. Period of economic decline
  13. 20. Finance
  1. 1. Financial reportcard
  2. 3. Credit card bill
  3. 5. A plan for your money
  4. 8. Being thankful
  5. 9. Percentage of lottery winners who go broke
  6. 14. What you need to survive
  7. 17. Helps calculate how soon your money will double