
  1. 2. located near the goal area
  2. 3. attempt to kick ball into the goal
  3. 6. are similar to basketball guards
  4. 7. player kick ball while it's in air
  5. 9. player try to stop the ball
  6. 15. is a fast moving, action-packed sport
  7. 16. players on the field
  8. 17. player's attempt to steal the ball
  9. 18. stays close to the net and
  10. 19. goalie drops kick the ball
  11. 20. kick from side of field to middle
  1. 1. most critical move in soccer
  2. 4. to send the ball in the opposite direction
  3. 5. critical skill in soccer
  4. 8. constant motion during the game
  5. 10. player's most important piece of equipment
  6. 11. ball is kicked into the net
  7. 12. move ball one point to another
  8. 13. considered the best all-around players
  9. 14. a game that ends in tie