soccer terms

  1. 5. a soccer term you might find offensive if you dont know the meaning
  2. 6. the goalies drop kick is called a _____
  3. 7. the people in the center of the soccer field
  4. 8. the people who inforce the rules in a game
  5. 12. it is important to stay _______ while in a game
  6. 13. 801 goals
  7. 16. the term when you are moving with the ball down the field
  8. 21. size of ball that varsity uses
  9. 22. something good senior soccer players get
  10. 23. girls 22' varsity soccer captain
  11. 26. our home field
  12. 28. a title given to the most dedicated players
  13. 30. richlands soccer field
  14. 33. mccort co-op's with them
  15. 34. our soccer rivals
  16. 35. who is in charge of a specific team
  17. 37. a kick you get close up to the net after a foul in the box
  18. 38. how many yards is a soccer field
  1. 1. a great snack for cramps
  2. 2. a school we co-op with for soccer
  3. 3. a soccer player other spelling of "messy"
  4. 4. the person who saves the goals
  5. 7. girls varsity soccer coach
  6. 9. trojans on two family on _____
  7. 10. body part above your shoulders you can use in soccer
  8. 11. boys varsity soccer coach
  9. 14. the term when you are closer to the net then the last defender
  10. 15. an offensive term people call soccer players
  11. 17. the shoes you wear
  12. 18. the thing attached to the goal to catch the ball
  13. 19. someone who deals with injures during a game
  14. 20. our mascot
  15. 24. a kick for when the ball goes out of bounds behind the net
  16. 25. a kick you get after a foul
  17. 27. the most goals scored in an official soccer game
  18. 29. a local soccer organazation rec soccer
  19. 31. the term for a score in soccer
  20. 32. another school we co-op with for soccer
  21. 36. boys 22' varsity soccer captain