Social 20-1 Course Crossword

  1. 3. (2)Supranational union which integrated countries primarily in Europe and prevents any disputes between countries. Nation-states affiliated with this union have a common currency(Euro), privileges regarding movement between countries and financial help from other nations.
  2. 6. (1) The number of powerful countries that are permanent members of the Security Council responsible to maintain international peace and security.
  3. 8. (1)a word that means “separateness” but it was also a system in South Africa which was discriminative against black people through dismissing their rights in the political and economic sector.
  4. 10. (1)The one sided intervention that countries such as United States enforce in which they intervene with other countries’ affairs without getting approval; countries such as Vietnam experienced US unilateralism.
  5. 12. (1) Pierre ______ was a premier who impacted Canada through the development of bilingualism and multiculturalism; In addition, he also contributed to the removal of the Canadian constitution out of British Parliament(passed as an act of Canada’s Parliament) meaning Canada had full Independence.
  6. 14. (2)The leader of the African National Congress which fought to combat Apartheid at an attempt to restore African Rights in South Africa. He was later on elected as the first Black President of South Africa.
  7. 16. (1) The idea that was implemented in pre-French Revolution which was then rejected during Napoleon’s reign in which individuals in the society were labeled in through birth and wealth instead of one’s abilities.
  8. 18. _______ Trials(1): The trials that the Allied Nations held to punish individuals who were major war criminals who were affiliated with the Axis countries. Many war criminals were killed and some innocent individuals were also wrongfully killed
  9. 19. (1)Lester B.____: The individual which proposed the idea of sending supply forces to keep the peace which rooted one of the main functions of the United Nations. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and enhanced the Canadian Pride.
  10. 22. (1) The Congress of _______ were composed of the Victorious Nations against Napoleon’s reign in which the congress tried to build a lasting peace by restoring the balance of power.
  11. 23. (1) The Organization which secures the peace and prosperity of nations in Europe and North America through cooperation and collective action on international disputes and act on nation’s that are labeled as aggressors regardless if they are part of the Organization or not; for example, Russia’s invasion on Ukraine.
  12. 24. (2) The event in history that set the precedent for the Enlightenment ideas of life, liberty and property around the world which started with the movement of “no taxation without representation” from it’s own colonists; which then led to the independence of states.
  13. 27. (1*) The abbreviation of the group filled with radical activists which carried out terrorist activities in the name of French Canadian nationalism.
  14. 28. (1) This idea was used to separate the similarities of individuals of different nations by demonizing and dehumanizing those classified as enemies
  15. 31. (1)This is the type of internationalism the the 19th Century British Empire displayed in which they have complete dominance over other nation-states.
  16. 33. (1)The right and power which each permanent members possess when making decisions proposed by the General Assembly in which they could prevent any decisions that may counter the interest of the permanent member’s country.
  17. 34. (1)The type of internationalism that was the catalyst for events such as the Russian revolution in which the conflicts within the society was determined by international factors such as the pursuit of “world revolution.”
  18. 37. (1)The type of internationalism that organizations such as NATO pursues through their interventions in international affairs in order to achieve peace and prosperity.
  19. 38. for Jews. This idea was prominent in Germany through citizens, soldiers, war leaders and places such as schools to educate students.
  20. 39. (4)The time in the French Revolution when the movement took a radical turn in which the society turned on it’s own people and guillotined those who are against the revolution; this event was later extinguished after the death of Robespierre.
  21. 41. (1) The genocide that Germany committed against the European Jews during World War Two. The event in which the persecution of over 6 million Jews occurred in ways such as mass shootings or gas chambers.
  22. 43. (6) The event in which Parisean women took initiative to march to the King in Versailles regarding the issue of the scarcity of resources such as bread; This event led to the creation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.
  23. 45. (1)Anti ______: The idea that Hitler proposed the German population to increase the
  24. 46. (1)The Great _______ War was the event which Germany surrendered to a communist Russian country.
  25. 47. (1) Woodrow______: The individual that introduced the 14 points speech in the Paris Peace Conference solely to propose a way to ensure world peace by pursuing the individual points.
  26. 48. (1) Gavrilo ______ was the man who was a Serbian nationalist who was the catalyst for World War One by assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  27. 50. (2) The First Estate are composed of the Clergy, those who served god and administered church and the schools. The Second Estate are composed of the Nobility, those who serve the state through military or the government. Both First and Second Estate never payed taxes. Lastly, The Third Estate is composed of the rest of the society, those who work as merchants, bourgeoisie, the poor and the peasants. These individuals are composed of 98% of the population and payed the most taxes.
  28. 51. (1*) A shortened term for an idea which population plays a major role in areas in the sector of decision making. For example, the area which possess a lower population will have less of an impact in voting compared to an area with a larger population.
  1. 1. (2)The war against Iraq which the United Nations and the international community took initiative to stop Sadam Hussein and support the invaded Kuwait. At an attempt to use diplomacy, the failure of these negotiations led to the use of military force through coalition forces in which they successfully liberate Kuwait.
  2. 2. (1) The event in which the Soviet Union took control of farms and forced farmers to produce crops, for the state to fund their industrialization programs. This funding project led to the death of 7 million Ukranians due to the famine caused by the exports and the persecution for those who opposed the Soviet Union.
  3. 4. (1) A member that proposed the idea of the League of Nations, although withdrew from it and didn’t become a member due to the Treaty of Versailles being unjust.
  4. 5. (1) America was accused of acting unilaterally when it led an invasion into this country in 2003 under the belief that the country had weapons of mass destruction. America was accused of wanting to assure its access to oil.
  5. 7. (3)The system which Napoleon established in order to aid in the unstable economy which provided loans to businesses, prices of goods were stabilized and had a professional tax collection system.
  6. 9. (3) With the formation of the National Assembly this oath was taken as promise to the movement that “we will not disband until we have a constitution.”
  7. 11. (8) A declaration which ensured the citizens of the nation’s equality,liberty, freedom, human rights and property.
  8. 13. (3 words)Treaty that ensured peace through demilitarization, reclaiming German’s colonies/land, creation of new nation states, the War Guilt Clause and Reparations from Germany.
  9. 15. (3 words)Worldwide organization that aims to secure world peace and end war improving the lives of individuals through ideas such as employment, trades, and disarmament of possible opposition. Yet it failed to prevent World War II.
  10. 17. (2) The event in history in which colonists were killed by the British soldiers in a peaceful protest regarding taxation on it’s own citizens; this started the movement for independence in the colonies across America.
  11. 20. (1) The agreement between Britain, France, Germany and Italy that Czechoslovakia must surrender the lands of Sudetenland which Germany later on took over
  12. 21. (3) The event which gained Napoleon the recognition from the Directory in which he shut down a pro royalist riot.
  13. 25. (2 words) This organization was created after the horror of World War Two to avoid the scourge of war. Its fundamental belief is peace can be achieved through multilateralism.
  14. 26. (1) The idea which countries such as Canada established through processes in which they were free from British rule and Canada developed the ability to make their own decisions.
  15. 29. (3) The act which allowed Canada to no longer follow the British foreign policy allowing Canada to have control over their domestic and foreign affairs.
  16. 30. (1) The act that declared France a republic completely voiding the ideas of social status meaning the power is held by the people.
  17. 32. (2)The book that Adolf Hitler wrote that discussed the idea of the reunion of German peoples, loyalty to Germany, German expansion and the triumph of the Aryan race
  18. 35. (1) This policy was championed by Neville Chamberlain to avoid a potential war. At the Munich conference, Chamberlain gave into Hitler’s demand for the Sudetenland.
  19. 36. (2) The tactic/system that Napoleon enforced in hopes to defeat Britain through banning other nations from trading with Britain; consequently, this system weakened the French economy and angered the nations that were prohibited from trading with Britain.
  20. 40. (2) The ideals which Napoleon put forth in the territories he ruled which reflected the principles of the French Revolution; Although it advocated for equality and freedom it’s weaknesses were regarding those who were women and minors.
  21. 42. (1) Statements of government policy which the United States enforces through military affairs and it’s main purpose is to highlight the key goal that each president wants to accomplish whether if it’s for the safety of the citizens or participation in the global community.
  22. 44. (2)The representative assembly that was called by the King in order to deal with the problem of Taxation within France which resulted in the opposition of paying taxes of the first and second estates thus ultimately having the third estate pay the increased taxes within the society.
  23. 49. (1) The imprisoning of Japanese individuals in camps separating them from their families and forced to do physical labor following the attack on Pearl Harbor.