Social 30-1 Chapter 6 Assignment - Key People & Key Terms

  1. 3. Forefather of credit unions in North America
  2. 5. Premier who introduced interventionist policies into Quebec, such as farm credit and fair wage
  3. 10. The increase in the price of goods and services
  4. 11. Adopted the "Third Way", increasing public spending on healthcare and education while introducing post-secondary tuition fees
  5. 13. Programs enacted by the government with the aim to act as safety nets for those of lower status in the economy
  6. 14. Enacted the "New Deal", responding to the Great Depression with left policies and Keynesian economics
  7. 17. Responded to the "First Red Scare" with far-right policies such as isolationism and nativism
  8. 18. The buying and displaying of things to show your status; often occurs in times of economic boom
  9. 19. Monetarist economist who believed controlling a country's money supply helped attain economic stability
  1. 1. Figure of demand-side economics - keep money in people's pockets during recession and vice versa
  2. 2. Post-2008 global recession Democratic president; signalled global shift to modern economic liberalism
  3. 4. A market where to production of a specific good is controlled by one entity, allowing them to set prices at their discretion
  4. 6. Former President of the US: Advocate for commercial enterprise during the "Roaring Twenties"
  5. 7. The concept that providing money to the production side of the economy "trickles" down to financially benefit the consumer
  6. 8. A system of government where the ruling power provides various social programs to ensure basic economic security; increases taxes in turn
  7. 9. British Prime minister who employed Classical Liberal values, striking down worker's unions and focusing on entrepreneurship
  8. 12. Rich get richer, poor get poorer; often occurs in times of economic boom
  9. 15. Pursued breaking up trusts (companies exerting monopolies) with the Sherman Anti-Trust Act
  10. 16. Figure of supply-side economics - supplementing money to businesses improves economy, "trickle-down economics"