
  1. 3. (3 words) a peace treaty Germany was forced to sign ending the state of war between Germany and most of the Allied Powers.
  2. 7. (abbreviation) A group of radical activists planned and carried out terrorist activities in the name of French Canadian nationalism.
  3. 9. valuable little island rich in iron deposits; France always considered it as their land even when they lost it in wars
  4. 10. (2 words) an intergovernmental organization where the world's nations can gather together, discuss common problems, and find shared solutions.
  5. 12. The National Assembly’s first meeting had members declaring “we will not disband until we have a …”
  6. 13. radical group that formed to take down the monarchy once and for all; incited the revolution; Robespierre, Marat, Danton, and Desmoulins were the leaders
  7. 15. World War I became a war of …
  8. 18. the idea of being judged on your own skills and abilities, not what class you were born into
  9. 19. the ideal or practice of cooperation and understanding between nations
  10. 20. (5 words) the spark that ignited the causes of the first world war
  11. 23. (2 words) an attack on one is an attack on all
  12. 25. Was deemed responsible for the entire Reign of Terror as he gave the angry Parisian mob what they wanted, swift justice
  13. 27. (2 words) The King needed to raise taxes but the second estate refused so he called the … for the first time in 175 years
  14. 28. (2 words) American president who proposed 14 points for a peaceful revolution
  15. 30. an ideology that emphasizes loyalty, devotion, or allegiance to a nation; not the same as patriotism.
  16. 31. (2 words) Stated “If you harm the royal family, then we will harm the citizens of Paris”
  17. 34. American colonists claimed “no taxation without…”
  18. 36. the ability to make your own decisions, to be free of control by others.
  19. 38. given to 5 powerful countries; used to effectively prevent the UN from doing anything that might counter the interests of any of the Permanent Members.
  20. 40. nation states agreeing to abide by decisions made by an international organization; give an outside body the power to make decisions for them; Ex: the EU
  21. 41. (3 words) a bond through industrialization, militarism, and ethnicity; coined by Otto von Bismarck
  22. 42. extreme nationalism that promotes the interests of one state or people above all others.
  23. 44. (2 Words) Granted Francophones land, French civil law, freedom of religion, and promoted the role of the church. Appeased the French speaking majority and angered an Anglophone minority.
  24. 45. Borden called an election on the issue of …; mandated military enlistment in WWI as volunteer rates were dropping but the war was far from over
  25. 46. (3 words) put down a pro-royalist riot;made the French government aware that Napoleon was a man of action
  26. 47. (2 words) made Czechoslovakia give up control of the Sudetenland without their involvement; signed by Britain, France, Germany, and Italy
  27. 48. the destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group.
  28. 50. (3 words) created to prevent war from breaking out, only using force as a last resort; ultimately a failure
  1. 1. (2 words) the desire of people to control their own lives and govern themselves.
  2. 2. the policy of acceding to the demands of a potentially hostile nation in the hope of maintaining peace
  3. 4. (abbreviation) a group of 31 countries from Europe and North America that exists to protect the people and territory of its members
  4. 5. (2 words) avoid fighting a 2 front war; invade western front first, then move to the eastern front
  5. 6. (2 words) a supranational political and economic union of 27 member states located in Europe
  6. 8. The merchant middle class
  7. 11. (8 words) A statement made up by the National Assembly of democratic principles that are common in many democratic countries today; based on the Enlightenment
  8. 14. (2 words) the name given to the event where two important French-Canadian officials were kidnapped, and one was murdered
  9. 16. a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups
  10. 17. (2 words) Created the “Dominion of Canada”; Gave Canada control over its domestic affairs only
  11. 21. Nobles who fled France in hopes of gathering support of other European leaders to help restore the old regime
  12. 22. knowing Hitler wasn’t going to win the “great race war” he implemented "the final solution to the Jewish question” which was …
  13. 24. (3 words) confirmed Britain will dominate the seas with their unbeatable navy
  14. 26. (3 words) Canada no longer had to follow British foreign policy; became sovereign
  15. 29. (3 words) aimed to build a lasting peace in Europe by restoring the balance of power Napoleon had thrown off
  16. 32. a cease fire agreement that ended the first world war
  17. 33. type of message aimed at serving an agenda
  18. 35. (2 words) the belief that the United States is either distinctive, unique, or exemplary compared to other nations; the “pick me girl” of the world
  19. 37. (2 words) a way to destroy england economically, cut them off from trade with Napoleonic nations; ultimately failed
  20. 39. equality, liberty, and …; ideals of civic nationalism
  21. 43. contained 317 laws which reserved civil rights for 5 million whites and denied them to 25 million blacks; means 'separateness’ or ‘apartness’
  22. 49. any non-profit, voluntary citizens' group which is organized on a local, national or international level; two types: advocacy and operational