Social Psychology Chapter 8

  1. 2. (proxemics) Non verbal communication involving the way in which ppl position themselves at varying distances & angles from others. Because interpersonal spacing refers to the proximity of ppl AKA proxemics
  2. 5. the extent to which the message inferred by a listener from a communication matches the message intended by the speaker.
  3. 8. forms used to represent ideas, feelings, thoughts, intentions, or any other object. They represent our experiences in a way others can perceive w/ their sensory organs - sounds, gestures, pictures, & so on.
  4. 9. the assumption conversationalists ordinarily make that a speaker is behaving cooperatively by trying to be informative, truthful, relevant to the aims of the ongoing conversation, and clear.
  5. 13. the theory that ppl express or reject intimacy w/ others by adjusting their speech behavior (accent, vocabulary, or language) during interaction. They make their own speech behavior more similar to their partners to express liking, & more dissimilar to reject intimacy.
  6. 14. all the vocal aspects of speech other than the words, including loudness, pitch, speed of speaking, pauses, sighs, laughter, & so on
  7. 16. the theory that verbal utterances both state something & do something.
  8. 18. communication thru the silent motions of the body - scowls,smiles, nods, gazing because body language entails movements AKA kinetic
  9. 19. a socially acquired system of sound patterns w/ meanings agreed on by the members of a grp.
  10. 20. a theory that views communication as the exchange of communicative intentions & views messages transmitted as merely the means to this end.
  11. 21. the small vocal & visual comments a listener makes while a speaker is talking w/o taking over the speaking turn. This includes responses such as "yeah", head nods, brief smiles, and completion of the speaker's words; crucial to coordinate conversation smoothly.
  1. 1. the process thru which ppl transmit information about their ideas & feelings to one another.
  2. 3. a style of speech characterized by limited vocabulary, improper pronunciation, & incorrect grammar. this style associated with the LOW STATUS OR LOW POWER.
  3. 4. knowledge of the implicit rules for generating socially appropriate sentences that make sense because they fit the listener's social knowledge.
  4. 6. Subtle & systematic differences in the languages we use to describe events as a function of our grp membership & the group to which the actor or target belongs.
  5. 7. a variety of American English spoken by many blacks, with distinct pronunciation of some words, African American Vernacular English AAVE
  6. 10. a theory that views communication as a linear process in which the message is encoded by a transmitter, transmitted, & decoded by a receiver.
  7. 11. a theory that views communication as the exchange of messages using symbols whose meaning is created by the interaction itself.
  8. 12. the most common way verbal method for initiating a conversation in which one person summons the other as a question or greeting & the other indicates his/her availability for conversation by responding. this sequence establishes the mutual obligation to speak & to listen that produces conversational turn taking.
  9. 15. the information that each participant in an interaction needs about the other participant in order for communication to be successful.
  10. 17. a speech style characterized by a diverse vocabulary, proper pronunciation,correct grammar, & abstract content. This style associated with the HIGH STATUES OR HIGH POWER.