Social Studies Final Exam Review (Units 3 and 4)

  1. 3. This war was fought over a religious quarrel, with Russia wanting to protect Christian people in the Ottoman Empire
  2. 4. The area under dispute between India, Pakistan, and China
  3. 6. The treaty signed in this city ended the Crimean War
  4. 8. The new name for "East Pakistan"
  5. 9. The reason for forced migration in India and Pakistan
  6. 11. A horse drawn machine that harvested wheat
  7. 13. In the partitioning of India, this country had a Muslim majority and split into 2 provinces over 900 miles apart
  8. 15. This battle marked the end of the Songhai Empire
  9. 16. This doctrine represented US foreign policy promoting the containment of communism
  10. 17. This was the only African nation to resist European colonization in the 19th century
  1. 1. This treaty established the terms of peace after World War 1
  2. 2. What was nicknamed the "Powder Keg of Europe"
  3. 5. Totalitarian leader nicknamed "Man of Steel"
  4. 7. The Great ______ Wall is a reforestation effort in Africa
  5. 10. One country extends its power over another and claims its territories for themselves
  6. 12. This pact was formed as a counter balance to NATO
  7. 14. The was a tool used by the Catholic monarchs of Spain to identify heretics and bring them to justice