Social Studies Review

  1. 2. ___________ conflict is when two countries are actively engaging in battle and they are not using other countries to fight for them
  2. 4. ___________ migration, when people choose to leave because they want to.
  3. 7. weapon that ended World War II, with two Japanese cities as its targets
  4. 8. the attempt of the German people to wipe the population of Jewish people off of the map
  5. 10. ____________ 11th, was the date when terrorists flew planes into the twin towers in New York City
  6. 12. the attempt in Spain to "purify" its country of Jewish people
  7. 13. Italian dictator during World War 2, who was also a Totalitarian leader
  8. 15. __________ factors, the factors that contribute to why a person or people move
  9. 17. The act of stronger countries taking over weaker countries to exploit them for profit, one of the letters in MAIN (Causes of World War 1)
  10. 18. ______________ migration, when people are forced to relocate
  11. 19. The war that took place after WWII, where two different economic systems were fighting to control the world
  1. 1. ____________ Revolution that was created by introducing scientific practices into the farming process and creating more productive crops
  2. 3. The body that was created after World War 2 with the goal of ensuring and keeping world peace.
  3. 5. A major invention of the Industrial Revolution that led to the boom of the amount of factories
  4. 6. When a leader has complete and total control of their country. Hitler is an example.
  5. 9. ________ war, a war that has two countries actively engaging in battle with each other
  6. 11. _____________ Revolution was when people moved to the cities to work in factories because they lost their previous jobs
  7. 14. The US & USSR engaged in this indirect conflict to see which of the two countries could do more in space
  8. 15. the invention that led to the spreading of new ideas via widespread print for the first time
  9. 16. ___________ conflict is when two countries are giving aid to other countries and letting those countries fight for them