Sociocultural Approach to Behaviour

  1. 4. the behaviour occurs where a person carries out a request under direct pressure. This is even though that pressure may not necessarily be perceived by the person.
  2. 5. People in ______ cultures act in accordance with their own interests and preferences and place a high value on independence and self-sufficiency.
  3. 7. the process of acquiring the rules, norms, values, customs and guidelines of a culture in order to be a part of society
  4. 8. The term for describing simple relationships without making a statement about cause and effect.
  5. 10. characteristics of design or methodology that impacted or influenced the interpretation of the findings from your research
  6. 12. The researcher who conducted "Mate preference across cultures" study
  7. 15. A culture in which social gender roles are distinct, people value competitiveness, material success, ambition, and power. (hint: cultural dimension)
  8. 17. Social Cognitive Theory was previously called Social ___ Theory
  9. 19. The concept contends that some principles and norms are valid for all human beings in all cultures
  10. 20. A belief that people hold about other groups of people
  1. 1. as a set of common beliefs, norms that hold people together.
  2. 2. process by which a minority integrates socially, culturally, and/or politically into a larger, dominant culture and society.
  3. 3. Author of cultural dimensions theory
  4. 6. Researcher who conducted "Marriage in eleven cultures" study
  5. 9. In an _____ relationship the benefits, duties, and obligations are equally shared by the relationship partners
  6. 11. the action of regarding something as being caused by a person or thing
  7. 12. The researcher who replicated changed version of the line test experiment for investigating cultural differences
  8. 13. Author of the concept of conformity
  9. 14. Author of Social Identity Theory
  10. 16. Author of Social Cognitive Theory
  11. 18. A research method that can be explained recognizing and noting a fact or occurrence often involving measurement with instruments