Sociology Chapter 7 - Deviance

  1. 6. Setting Sun High School is plagued by rampant misbehavior, disrespect of teachers and even criminal activity that disrupts the learning environment. You might think this is because the limited resources and poor quality of education offer few prospects to the studetns if you subscribe to _____ theory.
  2. 9. Johnny just shoplifted a videogame from Walmart. This type of deviance would be considered _____.
  3. 12. Tony stakes out houses of wealthy individuals, waiting for them to leave so that he can steal the family jewels. He is committing _____.
  4. 13. The Rising Sun High School Student Handbook includes rules and consequences for violating rules in order to maintain _____.
  5. 17. Verlin was convicted of vandalizing a storefront. He was offered a choice of serving a week in juvenile detention or making _____ by working for the shopowner for a week.
  6. 19. Setting Sun High School is plagued by rampant misbehavior, disrespect of teachers and even criminal activity that disrupts the learning environment. You might think this is due to poverty and the norms of the community if you subscribe to _____ theory.
  7. 21. Adolph is arrested for spray painting swastikas on a synagogue. This is an example of a(n) _____.
  8. 22. There are tens of thousands of pages of laws that you are supposed to obey as an American, and thousands more that you are supposed to obey as a Hoosier. Collectively these laws form _____.
  9. 23. Setting Sun High School is plagued by rampant misbehavior, disrespect of teachers and even criminal activity that disrupts the learning environment. You might think this is due to the lack of connectedness among students, teachers and administrators if you subscribe to _____ theory.
  10. 24. Many people don’t have a lot of confidence in some crime statistics because they are based on _____, and some victims may not tell anyone what happened to them and others may make up or exaggerate incidents that happen to them.
  11. 26. Doug Hugg, the CEO of Hugg Drugs, sold his stock based on inside information that the company’s new drug would not get FDA approval because it caused liver failure. Because this is illegal, it is an example of a _____.
  12. 27. Some people argue that we should legalize marijuana use because it is a _____.
  13. 29. Angie is making a victim impact statement at the sentencing hearing of her rapist, hoping that the judge will give him the maximum penalty. She is seeking _____.
  14. 30. Zach was convicted of selling narcotics. It was his first offense. He will be allowed to stay out of jail as long as he minds his p’s and q’s for the next year, such as reporting to a case worker, passing random drug tests and not consorting with criminals. Zach is experiencing _____.
  15. 33. Annie is very compassionate toward animals. She has taken in every stray cat that comes her way. She is no longer able to keep up her cat house and is certainly not the purrfect neighbor. Her deviance could be labeled as _____.
  1. 1. Setting Sun High School is plagued by rampant misbehavior, disrespect of teachers and even criminal activity that disrupts the learning environment. You might think this is because the school board and administration has neglected to update, communicate and enforce rules and expectations to students and teachers if you subscribe to _____ theory.
  2. 2. Jack is given the opportunity to earn a GED in prison and is receiving coaching for job interviews. This is an example of the _____ function of the corrections system.
  3. 3. Al used a gun to rob Lush Liquors. He committed a _____.
  4. 4. If police response times are half the time in the suburbs as they are in the inner city, this could be due to _____.
  5. 5. Attend school and get an award. Don’t attend school and lose your credits. Both of these are examples of the use of _____.
  6. 7. Setting Sun High School is plagued by rampant misbehavior, disrespect of teachers and even criminal activity that disrupts the learning environment. You might think this is because no one expects any better from students in this environment if you subscribe to _____ theory.
  7. 8. Setting Sun High School is plagued by rampant misbehavior, disrespect of teachers and even criminal activity that disrupts the learning environment. You might think this is due to the lack of positive role modesl if you subscribe to _____ theory.
  8. 10. It seems like the only extracurricular activity Anne would be interested in would be “fight club.” She will fight anyone at the drop of a hat and will drop the hat to have an excuse to fight. For Anne deviant fighting is _____.
  9. 11. Rick makes a living dealing drugs and trying to avoid arrest. Drug dealing is his _____.
  10. 14. When you say there oughta be a law against that, you are saying it ought to be a _____.
  11. 15. If marijuana is legalized, projections are that marijuana use will increase. This is because laws penalizing behavior generally act as a _____.
  12. 16. Jack dresses in black leather, has a bushy beard and rides a Harley. People tend to stay out of his way as they assume he is a rough and tough outlaw. This is an example of a(n) _____.
  13. 18. Peter supports his drug habit by pickpocketing people at the bus station. He is committing _____.
  14. 20. When someone messes with your life, don’t take the law into your hands, take ‘em to _____, a place where a neutral government process can resolve the dispute.
  15. 25. Jenny is a junior assigned to ACDC for the first time after a chick fight in the cafeteria started when Anne accused Jenny of flirting with Anne’s boyfriend. Other than this Jenny has been a model student, which may be why Anne was upset since a model was flirting with her boyfriend. For Jenny this deviant act would be considered _____.
  16. 28. The Rising Sun High School Student Handbook spells out the expectations, procedures and privileges for students in order to maintain _____.
  17. 31. Bill was arrested for DWI and was placed on probation. Then he was arrested for a second time and lost his license. He was arrested for DWI a third time and is now in jail. This is an example of _____.
  18. 32. President George H.W. Bush, President Bill Clinton, President George W. Bush, and President Hillary Clinton or President Jeb Bush could be evidence of a _____.